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Sara Jack Grzymkowski


With more than two decades of synchronized skating competitive experience, Sara became one of the country’s most accomplished and recognized team skaters by the end of her skating years.  Her numerous career achievements include being a member of the inaugural World Championship Team in 2000 with Team Elan, serving as Senior team captain at the 2003 U.S. Synchro Nationals, and earning 20 National medals, six International Medals and one Senior National Championship in 1995.

Sara has achieved her Senior Moves in the Field, 6th Figure test, Novice Freestyle test and Pre-Silver Dances.  She is a former member of the USFS Athletes Advisory Committee and a former board member. She holds a bachelor’s degree in health sciences with minors in exercise science and psychology from Oakland University.

Sara has coached the Onyx Pre-Juvenile/Juvenile and Synchro Skills teams.  She served as head coach for Pre-Juvenile and Beginner teams at Team du Coeur in Waterford, earning the Midwestern Pre-Juvenile Championship in 2010 and working with Beginner, Preliminary, Juvenile, Open Juvenile and Novice teams during this time.  

Sara Jack Grzymkowski
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